The Diplomat stands and speaks with such terse violence
That the testimony of the lotus is forgotten in only fragementary seconds
Inside the room where they stand and wait is very boisterous, very
Words came from her mouth in an icy rasp and she did say:
Now we shall all worship at the altar of the morbid bizarre insult which carries the day
What did they look like, the man in blue wanted eagerly to know
Left us leaping around the room like kangaroos on speed
Friday night at Allentown’s they serve the very needy low-dime drinks
Always wanted to be a real live human, the gas truck driver mused
Minutes later he did lead the whole damn parade
So I sez to the guy standin’ in the door,
I sez, They’re all insane, ya know? Nods around the room
Short walk around the hospital to clear my head did not take
Iron shutters fly up like silk curtains of gray and silver
Aztec priest readies knife
Steady, boy…ever so steady
Last handful of the night so better make it last, babe.
 Copyright 2015 by Andrew Bradford. All rights belong to the author and material may not be copied without the author’s express permission.