Last year’s Halloween Party
Fed my spirit and heart
The Ancestors must have convened on our behalf
For he approached majestically
All 6’ 5” of Him
Dressed in Black and white
Inquiring if I’d like a drink
Said he, liked my costume (A tribute to Angela Davis
Complete with a Glorious Fro and Earrings In her honor)
His eyes stayed on my glass of cranberry juice with a twist of lime
Ensuring it was refilled
With a quickness
On my third refill, I accepted his invitation to lunch
Said he wanted to get to know me better
He found me intriguing
“No, rush. Queen, whenever your schedule allows, I’ll make time.”
His follow up game on point I learned much about his tender
Over text messages and through phone conversations
When we met for lunch on a Sunny Saturday two weeks later
I listened to the Man
Leaning in and enjoying the energy of the
Beautifully Melanated bartender, artist, and activist
As he shared stories
Taking breaks to ask for my
He’s extra like me, In a good way
I too was intrigued
He’s beautiful, his smile lights up my World
We’ve been dating exclusively for 8 months
During which time I’ve dropped layers of self for him to peruse
Through poems and prose that speak to my unique Halloween gift
Of He and Him and Falling In Love
Our Artist Vibe Be Strong
He unwraps my layers one at a time with precision and care
Earning my love and trust
On a daily
Where the Magic of our Black Revolutionary Love
And shared deep Ink
Copyright 2019 by C. Imani Williams. All rights belong to the author and material may not be copied without the author’s express permission.